Publications of SA-GER Members

Publications of SA-GER CDR Members

Publications show up with the name of the SA-GER CDR staff member, even if these are joint publications. Co-authors show up at the end of each title.

Name Publication Year
Ile, I.U.Civil Society and Citizen Participation in Governance Processes in Zimbabwe (with J. Mapuva), in: South African Journal of Public Administration, 43, 2 (June 2008).2008
Ile, I.U.Enhancing Local Economic Development in Resourced Areas of Africa. An Investigation of the Efficacy of Public Participation Model/Processes in the Resourced Niger Delta Regions of Nigeria; the Case of Ogba Community, in: South African Journal of Public Administration, 43, 3.1 (October 2008).2008
Ile, I.U.Public Service Reform Philosophies. A Re-think of Nigeria's "Servicom" and South Africa's "Batho Pele" Principles in an Era of Global Reconstruction and Reform (with J. Kuye), in: African Journal of Public Affairs, 2, 1 (July 2008).2008
Kaltenborn, M. [Book Review:] Trubek, D. M. und Santos, A. (Eds.) (2006), The New Law and Economic Development. A Critical Appraisal, in: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 41, 2008, S. 419-4222008
Knoblich, R.Progress in Pacific EPA Negotiations, in: ZEI-Regional Integration Observer 2 (2): pp. 5f.2008
Löwenstein, W.Analyse privatwirtschaftlicher Förderung von Infrastrukturvorhaben in Entwicklungsländern. Gutachten für die Deutsche Entwicklungs- und Investitions-gesellschaft mbH (DEGInvest). 2008, 35 S. (zusammen mit Tobias Birkendorf und Sanjay Gorkhali).2008
May, J.Exploring Poverty Traps and Social Exclusion in South Africa using Qualitative and Quantitative Data (with M. Adato and MR. Carter), in Barrett, CB., Carter, MR and Little PD., (eds.) Understanding and reducing persistent poverty in Africa, Routledge, Oxford.2008
May, J.Conceptualising and measuring poverty in the SADC region, in Pressend, M. and Ruiters, M. (eds.) Dilemmas of Poverty and Development: A proposed policy framework for the South African Development Community, The Institute for Global Dialogue, Braamfontein, 27-47.2008
May, J.One scoop or two: A political economy of the vanilla with specific reference to Uganda and Madagascar, paper presented to an African and Africa Diaspora seminar, University of California-Davis, Davis, 06 March, 2008.2008
Williams, J.J.Changing Society by Changing the Thinking Culture about Hazards: a Review Essay on 'Safety-Culture and the Logic Hazard', in: Critical Arts, 22 (2), 235-241.2008
Williams, J.J.Governance through Community Participation in Post-Apartheid South Africa, in: Participation and Governance, 1 (1), 42-60.2008
Williams, J.J.Research into the Development of a Policy for Community Development Workers (with Laurence Piper, Rudi Dralle and Kim Jones). Republic of South Africa: The Department of Public Service and Administration and the Department of Provincial and Local Government GTZ: Partner for the Future Worldwide2008
Williams, J.J.The Politics of Social Change and the Transition to Democracy: Governance and Community Participation in Post-Apartheid South Africa, in: African Politics: Beyond the Third Wave of Democratisation, ed. by Joelien Pretorius. Cape Town: Juta, 172-197.2008
Sadik-Zada, E. R.Die Regionalen Interessen im Nordirak im Rahmen der politischen Neugestaltung des Landes. ZfTI-Aktuell 116, Essen: Universität Duisburg-Essen.2006
Löwenstein, W.Two-Gap Models: Post-Keynesian Death and Neoclassical Rebirth.(=IEE Working Paper 180). Bochum, 2005, 28 p. (with D. Bender).2005
Sadik-Zada, E. R.Business Cycles and Economic Development, Monograph, Elm Press, Baku.2005
Sadik-Zada, E. R.Geopolitik in der Kaspischen Region. ZfTI-Aktuell 103, Essen: Universität Duisburg-Essen.2005
Sadik-Zada, E. R.Iran im System der Internationalen Beziehungen: Aspekte der Regionalen Sicherheit. ZfTI-Aktuell 109, Essen: Universität Duisburg-Essen.2005
Löwenstein, W.Waldnutzung und ökonomische Entwicklung in den Tropen - theoretische Analysen und empirische Befunde. (=Schriftenreihe des Bundesministeriums für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, Reihe A: Angewandte Wissenschaft, Heft 503). Landwirtschaftsverlag. Münster, 293 S.2004
Löwenstein, W.Opportunitätskosten des Waldschutzes in den Tropen. In: Perspektiven forstökonomischer (=Schriften zur Forstökonomie Bd. 25). Frankfurt/M, 2004. S. 83-102.2004

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