Callistus Agbaam, Alumni of Ruhr University's MA in Development Management at the South African - German Centre for Development Research, together with Mulugeta F. Dinbabo, staff member of the centre, published an article on "Social Grants and Poverty Reduction at the Household Level: Empirical Evidence from Ghana" in the Journal of Social Science. The article can be downloaded here.
11 students from 9 different countries of the world take part in the 2014 Bochum Programme of Development Management at the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town. Welcome and good luck!
PhD (Public Policy and Administration) student Kennedy Alatinga successfully applied for the Population Reference Bureau's (PRB's) 2014-2015 Policy Communication Fellows program.
He is invited to attend a two-week workshop in Washington, DC from August 4-15, 2014 and will be asked during the 2014-2015 academic year to apply the lessons learned at the Washington workshop and to prepare written and oral presentations for policy audiences, based on his dissertation "Poverty and Access to Health Care in Ghana: The Challenge of Bridging the Equity Gap with Health Insurance".
Additionally he will have the opportunity to present his findings at a special PRB workshop held prior to the 2014 Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting, April 30-May 2, 2015, which will be held in San Diego, California.
The steering committee members of the South African – German Centre for Development Research and the academic coordinator of the CDR at UWC met in Stellenbosch from 9 – 11 May 2014 to discuss strategic options for further developing the fields of cooperation during the current funding period and beyond. CDR is currently supported by DAAD within the African Excellence initiative until end of 2018. Partners agreed to intensify cooperation in research in the coming years to supplement ongoing activities in academic training of Master and PhD candidates at CDR and in the frame of the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project EUSA_ID.
From left to right: Prof. Chris Tapscott, Prof. Wilhelm Löwenstein, Dr. Gabriele Bäcker, Ina Conradie and Prof. Julian May
A new paper of our "SA-GER CDR Research Paper Series" is published. The Paper of Dr. Samson Lembani (2014): Institutions and Veto Players in Legislative Decisions - What and Who matters in Legislative Decisions in Malawi? can be downloaded from the "Research Section" of our website.
Gerald Ahabwe, MADM Alumnus of 2009, took part in the International Alumni Seminar on Water, Energy and Sanitation in Urban and Decentralized Regions at Oldenburg University from 3rd-12th April 2014 and presented a paper titled 'Using Prepaid meters to Improve piped water access for the urban poor: Experiences of National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Uganda'. Read his report:
Read more: MADM Alumnus participated in DAAD-supported Alumni Seminar
The first call for scholarship applications for south african PhD and Master students in the Erasmus Mundus Program EUSA_ID is open until 15th April now. EUSA_ID offers the opportunity to spend a study/research period at renowned european universities. More information is available on the website:
On 17th March 2014, our MADM Alumni Gerald Ahabwe was overwhelmingly voted the President for the Association of Ugandan-German Alumni (AUGA).
This is HIS REPORT about AUGA and the election day:
AUGA is a voluntary Association established by individual members who were or are still beneficiaries of various German scholarships at German, Ugandan or international Universities or who studied at least three months at a German University.
DAAD is offering approximately 10 Postdoctoral Fellowships in 2014 at DAAD supported Centres of Excellence in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Additionally DAAD offers 10 Postdoctoral Fellowships in Germany for former DAAD In-Region / In-Country Scholarship Holders from Sub-Saharan Africa
For more information, please have a look at the Fellowship Announcement for Sub-Saharan Africa or the Fellowship Announcement for Germany.
The Application Form can be downloaded here:
On 10 March 2014, Silas Udahemuka from Rwanda has been awarded the degree of a Doctor (Ph.D.) in International Development Studies (IDS). He received a DAAD-funded scholarship of the South African-German Centre for Development Research for his doctoral studies.
Prof. Dr. Löwenstein, Prof. Dr. Voß, Silas Udahemuka, PhD, and PD Dr. Karduck
His thesis, "A Big Push to Break Rural Household Poverty Trap? Millennium Villages Case Study with Emphasis on Agriculture“ has been supervised by PD Dr. Stefan Karduck, University of Cologne, and Prof. Dr. Werner Voß, Ruhr-University Bochum.
In case you don't see a Full Screen button you should be able to access full screen in the context menu, with a right click on the video.
Candidates from Sub-Sahara Africa can apply for a DAAD InRegion Scholarships for Studies at the South African - German Centre of Development Research. Scholarships are available for the Master in Development Studies and the PhD in Development Studies, both offered by the Institute for Social Development of UWC, partner of the CDR.
Application deadline is 27 April 2023. More information is available via the DAAD call for applications.
Please note that the MADM at the University of the Western Cape will no longer be offered from 2024 on. If you are interested in studying the MADM programme, please apply for the MADM in Bochum. See the "How to apply" section of the Website of the Institute of Development Research and Development Policy in Bochum for further information.
School of Government, University of the Western Cape
Robert Sobukwe Road
Cape Town, 7535, South Africa
Private Bag X17, Bellville 7535
Republic of South Africa
Tel: 002721/959 3858
Institute of Development Research and Development Policy, Ruhr-University Bochum
Universitätsstr. 105
Room 2.04
D-44789 Bochum, Germany
Tel: +49-(0)234 / 32-22418, -22243
Fax: +49-(0)234 / 32-14-294
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.