On Friday, 8 February 2013, the Institute of Development Research and Development Policy (IEE) of Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) and the School of Government (SoG) and Institute for Social Development (ISD) of the University of the Western Cape (UWC) celebrated "10 Years of Cooperation" at the UWC in Cape Town/South Africa.
After the Opening Address of Prof. Brian O' Connell, Vice Chancellor of UWC, MC Dr. Gabriele Baecker invited Mr. Roland Herrmann, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Ralf Herrmann, DAAD representative in Johannesburg/South Africa, Prof. Wilhelm Löwenstein, Vice Rector of RUB, a current (Coretta Jonah) and a former scholarship holder (Callistus Agbaam) of the SAGER CDRCJ and Prof. Julian May, Director of the ISD, to give a speech on the very successful cooperation of these institutions. The Programme was accompanied by a marvellous choir from Khayelitsha/Cape Town. The ceremony was followed by a reception, at which the members of the steering committee (Prof. W. Löwenstein, Prof. J. May, Prof. Ch. Tapscott, Dr. G. Baecker) together with the coordinators of the Centre (Ina Conradie and Britta Niklas) welcomed about 120 guests.
Please see also the article on the website of the University of the Western Cape: Celebrating 10 years of collaboration between UWC and Ruhr University Bochum.
The South African-German Centre for Development Research and Criminal Justice offers Postdoctoral Fellowships in 2013. For further information, please have a look here; if interested, find application form
After successful defense of his PhD thesis on Monday, 28th January 2013, Beneberu Assefa Wondimagegnhu from Ethiopia has been awarded the degree of a Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.). As a member of the International Development Studies Doctoral Programme he received a DAAD-funded scholarship of the Development Research Division of the South African-German Centre for Development Research and Criminal Justice for his doctoral studies.
His thesis on "Economic Impact of Rural-Urban Migration on Income and Poverty of Migrant Sending Households: With Evidences from Southern Ethiopia" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Bender. Second supervisor was Prof. Dr. Löwenstein.